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Concealed Handgun Class - January 12, 2021!

Alan Koontz

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

A great Private Class today in Midway, NC. Lots of conversation and engagement from the students which is always a great thing. When everyone engages in the discussion when we talk about Castle Doctrine, Use of Force, Proportionality, and much more, it makes things more interesting and is easier to understand. The NC Department of Justice Standards are for the student to fire a handgun at 3, 5 and 7 yards. This is a typical distance that most attacks occur. 10 rounds for each location...which is a total of 30 rounds fired. 21 of the 30 will be in the target marked specifically for qualification standards. New shooters, experienced shooters...all learn something new from the class and are now eager to learn more in an advanced class. Looking forward in our next one along with our Girls, Guns, and Gun Powder Class coming up. New schedule will be posted soon. #concealedcarry #cch #handguns #strikeforcefirearmstraining #alankoontz

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